This is a video lesson intended for people who want to learn how to play piano.

And yes, it’s free, I think people anywhere deserve a chance to learn how to play piano for free! It’s an international language and piano as well as music is such a wonderful skill to have.

This is a reshoot of the old series of How to play piano started by

Here is a link to a chart of a piano lesson overview of all my piano lessons. This chart shows everything I cover. To view the index go here.

If you’re looking to buy a keyboard to start playing piano check this page out to see my piano recommendations.

Course playlist:
Some mistakes to avoid as a beginner:
Did you just buy your first keyboard and have no idea how to get started? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this mini-series I’m going to cover all of the basic concepts and teach you how to jumpstart your piano or keyboard playing career. Emphasis is on practical lessons with real-life applicability, aimed at pop/rock musicians.

In this video I’ll be covering how to name notes, and then present some essential chords which will get you started: C major, F major, G major and A minor.

Next lesson we’ll work on your accompaniment skills, so stay tuned! I plan on releasing a new video about once a month.
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